Friday, July 18, 2014

Freedom of Expression Baby

That's a line I got from some of the comments of Howard Chan of Filipinolosophy.

And then we come across French Court Fines Blogger For Unflattering Restaurant Review:

But because because the blog post was "too prominent" in Google search results, a French judge ruled that Doudet had to pay damages for writing the post after she was sued by the restaurant owner.
What happens if we search for SWA Ultimate in Google?

We find in the first page of search engine results a rather unflattering post about a brand's alleged violation of the Consumer Act and the failure to pass the DSAP's 8-Point Test.

And what happens if we point out to the blogger that the DTI is still evaluating the company which the blogger already pre-judged online?

We get a gleeful "Freedom of expression baby!"

Howard Chan seems to be so proud of the 15,000+ Facebook shares his blog post against SWA Ultimate has gained.

What is his goal?

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